We are now in Step 3 of the solid waste management plan renewal process. In Step 2 we established the goals and guiding principles to work toward, and now we need to identify ways to achieve these goals. Reducing waste is the priority and we need your input on how we can improve access and convenience of solid waste services to increase waste diversion.

This September we are offering public tours. Our Organics Facility tours on September 21 are now sold out, to learn about future tour opportunities click above to 'Follow' this project.

This summer we are also exploring how we can divert waste from rural communities in Electoral Areas stretching from Mud Bay to Ocean Grove. We have visited several communities, including Cortes Island, Quadra Island, Tahsis, and Zeballos, to speak to residents about their unique challenges with solid waste management. We are also meeting with different sectors, like waste haulers, construction companies and large retailers to explore ideas to meet their needs.

A few strategies are being explored:

  • Improved depot network
  • Increased education & awareness
  • Creating diversion opportunities for construction & demolition material
  • Roadside collection of garbage, recycling and/or organics

What else should we consider? If you missed attending an open house, you can still participate in a facility tour or share your ideas below, and use the map to show where you'd like to see a new depot location near you.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Sarah Willie

Manager of Solid Waste Planning and Policy Development

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Important Documents


Learn more about how we manage solid waste across the CSWM service area.