
The Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee

7 November 2022

What is the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee?

The Province requires that regional districts develop plans for the management of solid waste and recyclable materials. This is called a Solid Waste Management Plan. Every ten years, these plans need to be reviewed and updated. The last plan, completed in 2012, needs a renewal. Engagement and consultation with the community is integral to the process and helps ensure that the final plan is robust and well-supported. Using advisory committees to assist with the planning process helps to ensure that diverse views are represented, and supplements engagement with the broader public. The committee will meet regularly throughout the multi-year plan renewal and provide input into all aspects of the the plan including targets, goals, and waste diversion strategies.

Who is on the Committee?

We aimed to create a committee with a balance of representation geographically, demographically, and with a variety of perspectives and experience, lived or technical, as it relates to solid waste. A background in strategic planning, public engagement, environmental management, or previous board experience were an asset, but not required. The following is a list of desired personal qualities, perspectives and lived experience of public committee members:

  • Demonstrates community/committee involvement and the ability to work collaboratively with others (e.g. openness to different/opposing views)
  • Demonstrates personal commitment to waste reduction, circular economy goals, sustainability, and climate action
  • Experienced with waste, waste reduction and recycling (i.e. lived experience, technical expertise, or both)
  • Represents the interests/perspectives of a group of people/sector
  • Committed to spend the time required to attend committee meetings, read the agenda and supporting materials in advance of meetings, participate fully and constructively in committee discussions, and to work towards consensus

The public members selected from the 51 applications received for appointment to the RSWAC by the Board of Directors are:

Mary Ellen Walling Campbell River
David Baar Campbell River
David W Birtch Campbell River
Kate Maddigan Cortes Island
Melanie Jeffs Sayward
Madison Stewart SRD Area D
Sydney Rankmore Courtenay
John Ellis Courtenay
Jordan Best Courtenay
Ella Oldaker CVRD Area C
Kim Stubblefield CVRD Area C
Rebecca Rowe CVRD Area B
Rosa Telegus Denman Island
Kent Thomas Lukinuk Hornby Island
Willem Semmelink Comox

The RSWAC will also include representatives from staff of municipalities, regional districts, elected officials and First Nations communities have also been invited to participate.

What will Committee Members do?

The committee will play an integral role in guiding the future of solid waste through this planning process. They will receive and review information, and advise on topics related to the renewal of the Solid Waste Management Plan. Committee members will be invited to pose questions, engage in discussion, and provide comments for consideration as the plan is developed. Potential topics for engagement with the committee include waste reduction and recycling, greenhouse gas emissions, residuals management, asset and risk management, innovation, the circular economy, climate change resilience, affordability, as well as collaboration and engagement. It is a great opportunity for community members to make a meaningful impact in the way waste is managed in the Comox Valley and Strathcona Regional Districts.

Membership will last the duration of the solid waste management plan renewal process, which is anticipated to be two to three years. Meetings are anticipated to be held 4-6 times per year and scheduled mostly during business hours, or weekday evenings, at the Comox Valley Regional District office at 770 Harmston Ave., in Courtenay. Committee members should be prepared to participate through the full term.

In acknowledgement of the time and effort that Public Advisory members will make in volunteering to participate on the RSWAC, those selected for the committee are entitled to claim an honorarium of $125 per meeting, either virtual or in person. For those travelling to Courtenay to attend in person, compensation for travel time has been considered and a policy for compensation is laid out within the RSWAC Terms of Reference. RSWAC Terms of Reference

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