Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) is developing a new solid waste management plan and wants your input. The plan will guide how garbage, recycling, yard, and food waste programs are managed for the next decade.

The Ministry of Environment recommends that plans be renewed every ten years to ensure the plan reflects best practices and the evolving realities of solid waste. The last plan was updated in 2012. Meanwhile, the Comox Strathcona Waste Management service area has grown 13% during that time and is forecast to continue to grow.

As communities, regulations, and public needs change, the CSWM must adapt to meet the evolving environment through the delivery of effective, cost efficient and convenient solid waste management services.

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Sarah Willie

CVRD Manager of Solid Waste Planning and Policy Development

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Welcome to the Landfill - Part 1

Welcome to the Landfill - Part 2