
OCP engagement sessions this Wednesday and Thursday!

21 May 2024

How can Cumberland best adapt to growth and change?

That is the key question the Official Community Plan (OCP) seeks to address.

Cumberland is continuing to experience a high population growth rate, resulting in a steadily increasing pace of development; the Bevan Road industrial area is expanding; actions are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare us for climate change. All the while, we want to work towards reconciliation with First Nations, preserve the Village’s character, support the arts and culture community, and protect the natural environment that our quality of life depends on. How can we do all that and more?

The Village is looking for your feedback on:

  • A long term vision and goals for Cumberland
  • Where future growth should occur (review of growth scenarios) and

policy and actions to guide change affecting:

  • Built environment (downtown core, housing affordability)
  • Natural environment (OCP and environmental protection, environmental development permit requirements)
  • Community well-being (social inclusion and equity, arts and culture, parks and greenspaces)
  • Economy (local economy)

Join us this Wednesday and Thursday from 2 - 7 pm at the Council Chambers to explore those topics.

Growth scenarios will be reviewed both days. In addition, the built and natural environments are key topics on Wednesday. Thursday deals with community well-being and the economy.