
Update: Craigdarroch Neighbourhood Park Engagement

18 October 2023

The Province issued the Regional District a permit today, October 18, 2023, to post a beach access sign at the Spindrift beach access. Park contractors will install a sign within the next couple of weeks.

Residents are reminded they may use any beach access in the neighbourhood, even those that are not signed. Waterfront property owners have told the regional district they have no objections to neighbourhood residents using the accesses.

Parks staff are continuing to evaluate the potential for park facilities to be constructed in Montrose Park. A biologist visited the park in September finding that the interior of the site be suitable for facilities if buffer zones are provided around dead trees wildlife are using and if the regional district obtains permits for creating trails through or adjacent to any wet areas.

The Electoral Areas Services Committee will consider the 2024-2028 financial plan for the Comox Valley parks function in January. It will be decided then whether funding will be dedicated to designing and providing park facilities at Montrose Park or at another location in the Craigdarroch neighbourhood in 2024. Parks staff currently rank park facilities for the Craigdarroch neighbourhood as one of the lower priorities within the financial plan and 2024 department work plan.