Project Purpose
The City of Courtenay has begun a collaborative process to create a Local Area Plan (LAP) for our downtown and Harmston Park. This plan will set the stage for future growth, partnerships, innovation and connections in this area.
As Courtenay continues to grow, the LAP will outline key actions to:
- Encourage residential and commercial growth that complements our community.
- Bring civic spaces to life with engaging programming and activities.
- Strengthen connections throughout downtown, making it more accessible for everyone.
This comprehensive approach to planning ensures our downtown remains a supportive hub for current and future residents, organizations and businesses.
The OCP and Downtown Playbook provide direction on areas to focus detailed planning for the LAP. The plan boundaries have been combined between the OCP and the Downtown Playbook to ensure these two plans allows for a more comprehensive planning process that includes the high activity hub of the downtown commercial and mixed-use core, surrounded by key lands and waters that inform the history and character of the downtown.
Within the comprehensive planning area are opportunities to develop distinct planning districts: the Courtenay riverfront to the east, the Fitzgerald Avenue corridor on the edge of the core to the west, and Harmston Park neighbourhood beyond including industrial employment generators, significant municipal lands, public parkland and established residences.
Process Overview
The Local Area Plan will be developed over three phases and will be shaped by feedback from public, interest-holder and K’ómoks First Nation engagement, design analysis, staff input, and Council direction.
Phase 1 has resulted in a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis, offering a snapshot of the planning area’s land use, infrastructure, and development while exploring big ideas for distinct areas of the downtown. The SWOT is available in the Document Library.
What’s next?
In Phase 2, the team will host a community open house, public survey and meetings with downtown organizations interest-holders and the wider community to receive input on the Design Framework before developing the Draft Plan.
Your input is key! By sharing your perspective, you can help shape the Local Area Plan alongside design studies, staff input, and Council direction. Stay tuned for engagement opportunities beginning in April.

Planning Background
This work builds on the foundation of the 2016 Downtown Courtenay Playbook, revisiting its vision to identify what remains relevant and uncover new opportunities for growth and development.
The Local Area Plan (LAP) aligns with recent and ongoing planning and design initiatives, including:
- Updates to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw
- Revisions to the development permit form and character guidelines and processes for infill development
- The redesign of 6th Street
By exploring what types of new housing belong downtown and where they should go, the LAP also supports new provincial housing legislation aimed at addressing Courtenay’s 20-year housing needs..