
About the Climate Action Plan

Our climate is changing and there are actions we can take to reduce the amount of warming while also being ready for the consequences of the changes we expect. The Village of Cumberland is updating its Climate Action Plan to develop policies and actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the resilience of our natural and built infrastructure. Village Council, staff, local groups, residents, and expert advisors are all part of the process of creating the Climate Action Plan, and we invite you to contribute your ideas during two rounds of public engagement events (see Project Timeline to right).

The Climate Action Plan will outline how the Village of Cumberland will respond to the impacts of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing resilience. The Plan will also inform the Village’s Official Community Plan (OCP) update, currently in progress.

Cumberland’s first Climate Action Plan was developed in 2013 and focused on actions the municipality could take to reduce emissions from the services and facilities they operate. This updated plan will build upon that work and consider emissions and resilience for the community as a whole.

The work on the Climate Action Plan includes:

  • Analyzing sources of municipal and community emissions and climate change risks.
  • Developing emissions reduction targets and climate action goals for 2030, 2040 and 2050.
  • Identifying strategies and actions that the Village and community can take to increase resilience and reduce emissions.

How you can be involved

1. Participate in a public engagement event. There are two rounds of public engagement:

  • Round 1 – Community input on goals, targets and ideas for actions and policies
    • In person – February 6, 2024 (completed)
    • Online – February 15, 2024 (completed)
  • Round 2 – Community input on the proposed actions and implementation priorities
    • In person - May 2, 2024 (completed)
    • Online - May 7, 2024 (completed)
    • See Key Dates at top of right sidebar for more detail.

2. Stay up to date. Participants were able to follow this page to receive updates, subscribe to receive Village of Cumberland news by email on our website at, view Council’s discussion in person or online when reports are presented at Council meetings, or read staff reports posted under Documents below.

3. Online comment on the draft climate actions until May 10, 2024

Comment on the Proposed Climate Actions

If you were not able to attend the May 2 or May 7, 2024 community engagement sessions on the proposed climate actions, you can view the proposed actions here and comment below by May 10, 2024. The May 10 deadline is to allow for review of all comments prior to finalizing the Climate Action Plan and presenting it to Village Council in June 2024.

Buildings and Energy

B1. Decarbonize municipal operations by improving the energy efficiency of facilities and infrastructure and transitioning to low-carbon energy sources. B2. Support retrofits of existing homes and buildings by providing education, resources, and incentives for energy efficiency improvements and switching to low-carbon energy sources. B3. Implement policy to require all new homes and buildings to be net-zero energy ready and zero carbon. B4. Support the development of locally-generated renewable energy systems.

Transportation and Land Use

T1. Reduce emissions from Village fleet and staff commutes. T2. Support the transition to zero emission vehicles in the community including passenger, commercial and industrial fleet. T3. Increase access to transit and active transportation opportunities. T4. Prioritize development in existing neighbourhood centres and, wherever possible, concentrate development near existing and proposed walking, cycling and transit networks.


W1. Produce less waste and divert more waste from entering the landfill. W2. Reduce the use of non-renewable resources and materials, promote recycling and reuse, and support circular economy approaches.

Parks and Environment

P1. Protect and enhance nature in Cumberland. P2. Increase the use of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure to enhance climate change adaptation and mitigation and support biodiversity


G1. Embed climate action into decision-making and policies to ensure all Village department work plans and capital and operating budgets are aligned with the corporate emissions reductions targets. G2. Collaborate with community partners and residents to support education and actions that increase climate resilience, protect natural areas, and reduce emissions.