The CVRD recognizes the immense potential of the Comox Valley as a visitor destination, with its stunning natural landscapes, vibrant communities, and rich cultural heritage. To harness this potential while ensuring sustainable growth and preservation of the valley's unique character, the CVRD has embarked on a comprehensive tourism strategy planning initiative with a 10-year scope.

The CVRD is partnering with 4VI and Experience Comox Valley to administer this process, which aims to engage local residents, businesses, stakeholders and rightsholders to collaboratively design a tourism strategy that aligns with the region's values, sustains its natural resources and maximizes economic benefits.

This comprehensive tourism strategy plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding us towards sustainable tourism development that ensures not just economic growth, but also prioritizes the well-being of our environment and society. Join us as we create a future for the Comox Valley that is vibrant, sustainable, and deeply aligned with our shared values!

The Comox Valley Tourism Strategy Steering Committee is a committee overseen and supported by 4VI and Comox Valley Regional District Tourism Service Partners. The Steering Committee is intended to guide, advise and contribute to the consulting team and project partners throughout the duration of the project.

Public Engagement

This regional tourism strategic planning process aims to create a forward looking and actionable strategy, working with all communities within the Comox Valley Regional District to help strike a balance between the needs of residents, businesses, the natural environment, and consumers. The process will leverage the wealth of local knowledge held by community members and tourism businesses, while also using innovative research methodologies.

To facilitate this process, the CVRD and Experience Comox Valley will be hosting a series of public sessions, workshops, and one-on-one consultations in the coming months, providing an opportunity for community members to voice their opinions and ideas.

Whether you are connected to the tourism industry or not, we encourage everyone to participate by attending the public engagement sessions, using the interactive tools on this site and sharing your ideas with us.

  • Established a balanced Tourism Strategy Steering Committee (TSSC) including members from around the Comox Valley region;
  • Hosted two steering committee meetings to date;
  • Virtual public information session (Strategy Planning Process);
  • In-person public engagement sessions:
    • Tourism Strategy Vision & Opportunities Workshop (40 attendees);
    • Strategic Framework Workshop (70 attendees);
  • Ongoing targeted engagement: one-on-one interviews and focus group conversations.

Let's talk about tourism

Let's talk about tourism

In your opinion, what are the impacts and benefits of tourism in Comox Valley? Registration is not required to participate in the conversation and your screen name does not have to be your real name.
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Tourism Strategy Plan information session presentation


Who is the ideal visitor to the Comox Valley?

In 1-2 sentences, how would you describe which visitors we want to attract to the Comox Valley? For example, what activities do they like to do, what experiences are they looking for, and/or what do they value? (max 140 characters).

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