
Time to Pipe Up: CVRD relaunches consultation on sewer service planning

14 September 2020

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) relaunches its public consultation today on the long-term plan for the Comox Valley Sewer Service, which moves and treats raw sewage (wastewater) from Comox, Courtenay and K’ómoks First Nation.

This stage of the process is looking at conveyance options – the pipes and pump stations that collect and move wastewater to the treatment plant. This system currently includes a raw sewage (wastewater) pipe located along Balmoral Beach (Willemar Bluffs) that is vulnerable to damage by waves, rocks and logs – and poses an environmental risk beaches and waters throughout the Comox Estuary, Point Holmes and Goose Spit coastline, as well as Baynes Sound.

Three possible routes are under consideration that will allow the decommissioning of the exposed sewer pipe. Costs for implementation of any of these options will be significant for Courtenay and Comox taxpayers - ranging from $160 to $210 per year, per household. All potential routes will pass along Comox (Dyke) Road and through downtown Comox and the Lazo Hill area, which means an added burden of construction impacts for those moving through and living in these areas. Construction is currently estimated to begin in 2022 and last two years.

After a postponement in March due to COVID-19, the public can once again ‘Pipe Up’ and weigh in on the cost of the proposed upgrades, potential construction impacts and environmental protection considerations for each route option.

“There is a lot on people’s minds right now, while it’s hard to add sewer to this list– we are at a critical stage to discuss how the options under consideration will impact residents,” said David Frisch, Chair of the Sewage Commission. “The risk at Willemar Bluffs only increases as time passes and we need to hear from the community so that we can move with the right solution.”

For more information, please explore this page. The survey is now closed.