The City of Courtenay is committed to improving community engagement to make sure all voices are heard and valued. As part of this effort, we want to understand the barriers faced, foster collaboration, get feedback and ideas for improvement and co-create solutions. The survey below will inform the engagement framework that will be developed to ensure we can best serve our community. We thank you for taking the time to have your voice heard.
Respondents will have a chance to win one of five $100 gift certificates to a Downtown Courtenay business!
The survey will be open until November 18, 2024.
The personal information gathered in this survey is collected in accordance with Section 26 (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) for the purpose of gathering public feedback for the City of Courtenay Engagement Framework project. Questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information can be directed to the Manager of Communications at communications@courtenay.ca or 250-703-4858.