
Information Session: Air Management Infrastructure in the Brent Road and Lazo Road Area

13 August 2024

You are invited to an information session about an upcoming project with the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD). As part of our ongoing Sewer Conveyance Project, an Air Management Infrastructure in the Lazo area will be installed.

There will be four kiosks in this area located along the route of the new sewer forcemain: two air intake kiosks, one air valve kiosk, and one air management point.

Local Government Attendees include:

  • Sewer Conveyance Project staff will be available to answer any questions about the Air Management Infrastructure.
  • CVRD and Town of Comox Park staff will be onsite to answer questions about the Lazo Greenway Mult-Use Path (MUP). The MUP, much of which runs parallel to the sewer forcemain route, will be constructed around the same time as the installation of the sewer forcemain.

Date: September 12, 2024

Time: 3:30 – 6:30 pm

Location: Corner of Beckton Drive and Lazo Road.

Parking: Please park on Beckton Drive or Forester Ave. This is a residential
neighbourhood so please do not block driveways.

Air Intake Kiosk 1:

  • Kiosk 1 (northwest corner of Lazo Road and Forester Avenue) is for continuous air intake only.
  • There will be no air discharged.
  • There is no risk of odour.
  • There is no noise.
  • Kiosk measures 2.3 metres tall by 2.8 meters wide by one meter deep. (7’5” x 9’ x 3’2”).
  • There are two pipes which will protrude from the sides at the top of the kiosk (to intake air only)
  • Approximate maintenance schedule is twice per year.
  • Kiosk can be wrapped to disguise its appearance.
  • Installation of the kiosk is expected to be in the spring of 2025.

Air Intake Kiosk 2:

  • Kiosk 2 (southeast corner of Butchers Road and Lazo Road) is for emergency air intake only when there is the risk of negative pressure in the sewer forcemain pipe.
  • There will be no air discharged.
  • There is no risk of odour.
  • There is no noise.
  • The kiosk measures 1.2 meter tall by one meter wide by one meter deep (4’ x 3’ x x 3’).
  • Approximate maintenance schedule is once per year.
  • Kiosk can be wrapped to disguise its appearance.
  • Installation of the kiosk is expected to be in the spring of 2025.
  • An air valve kiosk is being installed on Brent Road.
  • The kiosk is a sealed unit. Any air released is directed back into an underground chamber complete with a carbon filter on the lid preventing any odour concern.
  • There is no noise.
  • This valve helps to prevent airlocks during operation.
  • Approximate maintenance schedule is once per year.
  • The kiosk measure 1.67 meter high by 1.24 meter wide by 0.9 meter deep (5’6’’ x 4’ x 3’).
  • Kiosk can be wrapped to disguise its appearance.
  • Installation of the kiosk is expected to be in the spring of 2025.

At the corner of Beckton Drive and Lazo Road, a piece of critical infrastructure will be installed called the Air Management Point.

Key Points:

  • This site includes continuous air release through an activated carbon scrubber, which removes odorous gas to a level of 0.1 parts per million of H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide).
  • This site includes a fan which will have custom acoustic enclosure to minimize noise, designed to achieve a maximum sound intensity of 45 dB (decibels), similar to the fridge in your house.
  • Approximate maintenance schedule: Routine maintenance twice per year, including examination and testing of carbon scrubber. Carbon media within the scrubber will be replaced every two years.
  • The infrastructure is recessed into slope to reduce height.
  • Concrete fencing will surround the infrastructure to hide and help reduce noise.
  • Maintenance access from the new Lazo Mulit-Use Path.
  • Installation of the kiosk is expected to be in the spring of 2025.

Why was this location selected?

  • This location was carefully selected. Due to topography of the pipe, a long section of the sewer forcemain along Lazo Road will operate as a gravity main, with the pipe mostly full of air. As the flows increase and decrease, the volume of air in the pipe changes, requiring air to be exhausted and replenished. To ensure that odorous air and gases do not accumulate in the pipe, it has been engineered to have air continuously pulled into, and exhausted from, the pipe. The Town parcel where the stormwater pond is located, was identified as the correct location for air release due to the hydraulics of the system. The structure is larger than the other kiosks along the route, making this location suitable as it is public land and not directly adjacent to any residential lots. The structure can be built into the berm of the storm water collection pond, helping to reduce its visual impact.

Why is the infrastructure not enclosed in a building?

  • Many design ideas were considered for this critical piece of infrastructure. A fenced option was selected to reduce the height of the infrastructure, as the equipment is designed to be all-weather and does not require enclosure. Renderings of a building illustrated that it would need to be quite large to accommodate maintenance work. Even if enclosed, air release would still have been required.
  • The visual impact of an enclosed building in the environment would have been significant.

Will it smell?

  • No. It should not smell. The methodology of having air continuously released from the pipe is to prevent odorous gases from building up and being released. The air is processed through an activated carbon scrubber. The scrubber is designed to remove the smell of H2S and other odourous compounds. Once every two years the carbon media within the scrubber will need to be replaced. During this short window (no more than a few hours), odour may be noticeable until the new carbon media is in place.
Will I be able to hear the fan?

  • No. The fan will be enclosed in an acoustic dampening box. This box will reduce the sound of the fan to about the same noise level of a residential refrigerator, maximum sound intensity of 45 dB (decibels). Residents should not be able to hear this fan from their properties.

For more information about air management please visit the main project page and navigate to the Air Management Tab.