
Construction on Lazo Road

19 August 2024

Construction on the installation of the sewer forcemain will begin along Lazo Road in late August. Construction at the corner of Brent Road and Lazo Road is anticipated to begin on Monday, August 26 and is estimated to last until Wednesday, August 28.

During construction through the intersection, Brent Road will remain closed. Please continue to use the Curtis Road detour. Once construction is complete through the intersection, Brent Road will open to traffic.

Construction will continue along Lazo Road, moving towards Guthrie Road, estimated to begin Thursday, August 29 ending on approximately October 16. During this time the Knight Road detour will be in place, as two-way traffic will not be possible in the construction zone. Traffic Control Personnel will be positioned at each road closure to help guide traffic to detour routes and aid in turning vehicles around as needed.

The construction team will communicate directly with property owners to ensure that residents are aware of restrictions to driveways. Pedestrian and bike access to properties will be maintained and access to properties will be maintained overnight.

At the end of each construction working day, the open excavation sections will be fully fenced with temporary steel fencing and all other traffic control devices such as delineators, signage and detour routes will be in place
Knight Road Detour Route

Knight Road Detour Route for Lazo Road closure.